
Marcomm • Branding / Design System


Founded by seasoned sales professionals, Pipedrive is a visual sales tool that gets your team organized and confident about results. The software is Gartner FrontRunners #1 CRM that gets sales teams and are used by over 100k customers and operates in 10 global offices across Europe & North America.


As comms designer, our responsibilities includes overseeing the design & art direction of Pipedrive's overall branding as a means of storytelling - including customer comms, product releases, company culture, events and initiatives. We also regularly collaborate with other teams - mainly product marketers, employer branding, stakeholder comms as well as the execs team.

pipedrive mobile app


Pipedrive is appealing towards SMB & focuses on the user-friendliness of the product - an aspect that hardly describes larger enterprise-focused CRMs. Most of the performance marketing ads are product-focused on promoting new features, pricing, as well as positioning Pipedrive as a sales tool designed for salespeople. Our scope of work includes paid ads, infographics, social media templates, email drip campaigns and.

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As part of lead nurturing & conversion in some of our seasonal campaigns, we also designed variety of sales & marketing related ebooks every quarter in the form of downloadable, gated contents - this includes topics from sales psychology, team management, capturing leads & Pipedrive tips and tricks.

pipedrive mobile app
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With over 900 employees and 50+ different nationalities situated across 10 different offices, we designed a series of full suite branded swags as part of employee-first culture. As the extension of company branding, these swags are distributed in tech conferences, job fairs & Pipedrive customers - creating a sense of positive brand sentiment & promoting awareness thoroughly.

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For every 100 employees, we also celebrated this achievements with thematic posters, which are featured on every office hallways and meeting rooms. These posters range from space, transportations, landscape and more - signifying the importance of each employees by engraving their names across the design.

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This space is regularly updated with more exciting and interesting projects to come. Meanwhile, check out our Product Design team Medium for insights, process and design process here

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